What it is...

Good execution of works certificate

The good execution of works certificate issued by a plumber foreman, is an official document that certifies the correct and quality completion of plumbing works. Issued by a licensed plumbing foreman, after inspection and evaluation of the completed work.

Purpose of the certificate

  • Confirmation of compliance with technical specifications: The certificate of good execution of works ensures that the plumbing works have been implemented in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and regulations.
  • Construction quality certification: Certifies that the facilities have been constructed with quality materials and appropriate techniques, respecting safety and functionality standards.
  • Proof of Completion: Serves as official proof of completion of the agreed plumbing works.
Purpose of the certificate

Details included in the certificate

  • Project details: Project description, location, building permit number, name of owner/employer.
  • Contractor details: Name, VAT number, contact details.
  • Foreman details: Name, Licence, contact details.
  • Description of implemented works: Detailed description of the facilities implemented (e.g., water supply network, sewage, heating, air conditioning).
  • Certificate of compliance: Foreman's statement of compliance with technical specifications, regulations and standards.
  • Date of issue: Date of issue of the certificate.
Details included in the certificate

Importance of the certificate

The good works execution certificate is an important document for several reasons:

  • For owners/employers: It ensures the quality and safety of plumbing installations, offering peace of mind for their investment.
  • For contractors: It serves as a presumption of good execution of projects, strengthening their credibility towards future clients. for the completion of the purchase and sale of a property, as it certifies the existence and good condition of the plumbing installations.
  • For bank financing: It can be a necessary element for the approval of a mortgage loan or other type of real estate financing.
Importance of the certificate

Issuance procedure

  • Communication with the foreman: The owner/employer contacts the foreman, informing him of the project and asking for issuance of the certificate while providing the foreman with the necessary details of the project.
  • Site visit and evaluation: The foreman visits the site of the project to conduct an autopsy during which it checks compliance with approved plans, specifications, quality of materials and services and compliance with regulations and safety standards.
  • Issue of certificate: Once it is confirmed that the implemented works meet the necessary specifications, the certificate is issued, with the signature and stamp of the foreman as well as the date of issue.
  • Delivery of certificate: The good execution of works certificate is delivered to the owner/employer or the project manager.
  • Case of failure: In case the foreman finds violations or deficiencies, he may not issue the certificate and inform the owner/employer of the necessary corrections.

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